Pubblicazioni Dott. Nicolò Zanchi
Zanchi, N., Posner, M., & Herickhoff, P. (2022). All-Inside Tibial Tunnel Drilling: How to Calculate a Safe Drilling Length to Avoid Anterior Cortex Violation. Arthroscopy Techniques, 11(12), e2371-e2381.
Gaddi, D., Mosca, A., Piatti, M., Munegato, D., Catalano, M., Di Lorenzo, G., Turati, M., Zanchi, N., Piscitelli, D., Chui, K. and Zatti, G., 2022. Acute Ankle Sprain Management: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews. Frontiers in Medicine, 9.
Turati, M., Caliandro, M., Gaddi, D., Piatti, M., Rigamonti, L., Zanchi, N., … & Bigoni, M. (2022). Clinical outcomes and complications after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with bone–patellar tendon–bone in patient Tanner 3 and 4: a systematic review. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, 1-9.
Turati, M., Rigamonti, L., Zanchi, N., Piatti, M., Gaddi, D., Gorla, M., Omeljaniuk, R.J., Courvoisier, A. and Bigoni, M., 2021. An arthroscopic repair technique for proximal anterior cruciate tears in children to restore active function and avoid growth disturbances. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, pp.1-8.
Piscitelli, Daniele, Massimiliano Beghi, Marco Bigoni, Silvia Diotti, Cecilia Perin, Federica Peroni, Marco Turati, Nicolò Zanchi, Myriam Mazzucchelli, and Cesare Maria Cornaggia. “Prosthesis rejection in individuals with limb amputation: a narrative review with respect to rehabilitation.” Rivista di Psichiatria 56, no. 4 (2021): 175-181.
Turati, M., Franchi, S., Leone, G., Piatti, M., Zanchi, N., Gandolla, M., … & Bigoni, M. (2021). Resolvin E1 and cytokines environment in skeletally immature and adult ACL Tears. Frontiers in Medicine, 8, 610866.
Bigoni, M., Anghilieri, F. M., Piatti, M., Zanchi, N., & Turati, M. (2021). From high-quality assistance to emergency orthopaedics during COVID-19 pandemic: a northern Italy scenario for sports medicine. Sport Sciences for Health, 17, 489-491.
Turati, Marco, Filippo Maria Anghilieri, Franck Accadbled, Massimiliano Piatti, Paolo Di Benedetto, Francesca Moltrasio, Giovanni Zatti, Nicolò Zanchi, and Marco Bigoni. “Discoid meniscus in human fetuses: A systematic review.” The Knee30 (2021): 205-213.
Turati, M., Leone, G., Zanchi, N., Omeljaniuk, R.J., Brahim, L., Zatti, G., Courvoisier, A. and Bigoni, M., 2020. Clinical presentation and surgical treatment of distal fibular non-union with talus chondral lesions in a pediatric patient: a case report. BMC surgery, 20(1), pp.1-6.
Turati, M., Maggioni, D., Zanchi, N., Gandolla, M., Gorla, M., Sacerdote, P., Franchi, S., Rizzi, L., Pedrocchi, A., Omeljaniuk, R.J. and Zatti, G., 2020. Characterization of Synovial Cytokine Patterns in Bucket-Handle and Posterior Horn Meniscal Tears. Mediators of Inflammation, 2020.
Bigoni, M., Piatti, M., Zanchi, N., Gorla, M., Gaddi, D., Rigamonti, L., … & Turati, M. (2019). Clinical effectiveness of surgical treatment with polyester tapes and temporary K-wires on complete acromioclavicular dislocation. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, 29(3), 567-573.
Bigoni, M., Zanchi, N., Turati, M., Pirovano, G., Zatti, G., & Munegato, D. (2019). Short-term differences in anterior knee pain and clinical outcomes between rotating and fixed platform posterior stabilized total knee arthroplasty with a new femoral component design. World journal of orthopedics, 10(3), 128.
Bigoni, M., Turati, M., Zanchi, N., Lombardo, A. S., Graci, J., Omeljaniuk, R. J., … & Gaddi, D. (2019). Clinical applications of Bioactive glass S53P4 in bone infections: a systematic review. European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 23(2 Suppl), 240-251.
Bigoni, M., Zanchi, N., Omeljaniuk, R. J., Zatti, G., Locatelli, V., Torsello, A., & Turati, M. (2019). Role of interleukin-10 in the synovial fluid of the anterior cruciate ligament injured knee. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 23(3), 932-940.
Munegato, D., Gridavilla, G., Guerrasio, S., Turati, M., Cazzaniga, C., Zanchi, N., … & Bigoni, M. (2017). Mini open versus open repair techniques in Achilles tendon rupture: clinical and isokinetic evaluation. Muscles, ligaments and tendons journal, 7(3), 554.
Bigoni, M., Zatti, G., Zanchi, N., Anghilieri, F. M., & Riva, M. A. (2018). Treatment of hip fracture of Pope Innocent XII by Marcello Malpighi with bed rest. International orthopaedics, 42(2), 437-440.
Bigoni, M., Turati, M., Zanchi N. (2017). Healing potential and surgical treatment of anterior cruciate ligament rupture in pediatric population. Sport Sciences for Health, 13(3), 645-646.
Zanchi N, Zatti G, Munegato D, Riva MA (2016) Pulcinella’s secret. Further hypotheses on the etiology of the double hump in an Italian 16th-century mask. Eur J Intern Med 35:e34–e35. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2016.05.002